• 2024-07-10
  • SMU

SMU Successfully Places Bonds in Local Market for UF 2,000,000

SMU S.A. announced that on July 10, it successfully placed bonds in the local market for a total of UF 2,000,000 (approximately CLP 75 billion or USD 80 million) at an annual interest rate of 4.14%, representing a spread of 124 basis points over the reference rate, with demand reaching twice the amount issued.

The issuance corresponds to bonds of series AS (ticker symbol BCSMU-AS), under line 1.179. The series has a 6-year bullet maturity and a coupon rate of 4.4%. The funds raised will be used entirely for the refinancing of financial liabilities. The transaction saw significant participation from institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, and mutual funds.

Arturo Silva, SMU's Corporate Administration and Finance Manager, stated: “We are very pleased with today's placement, especially considering the high demand from investors. Our refinancing strategy has focused on smoothing out the Company's maturity profile, shifting amortizations from 2024 and 2025 to the period between 2029 and 2039, and today's transaction is part of that strategy. So far this year, we have placed bonds totaling UF 4.5 million, all with terms within our target range, using the funds for refinancing, which leaves us with a very comfortable maturity schedule moving forward".

SMU's corporate bonds have a risk rating of AA- (stable outlook) from both of its rating agencies, Feller-Rate and ICR.

The advisory and placement of these instruments were carried out by BCI Corredor de Bolsa S.A. and Santander Chile.