- 2024-04-25
Annual shareholders' meeting of SMU elects new board of directors for the 2024-2026 period.

On April 25th, the Annual shareholders' meeting of SMU was held, during which all matters proposed to the shareholders were approved, including the appointment of external auditors and risk rating agencies, the payment of the final dividend, and the approval of the financial statements and integrated report for the year 2023, as well as the election of the new board of directors of the company.
Additionally, on this occasion, the Chair of the Board of Directors of SMU, Pilar Dañobeitía; the General Manager, Marcelo Gálvez, and the Corporate Manager of Administration and Finance, Arturo Silva, addressed the highlights of the past year.
"2023 was a challenging year in terms of economic conditions and the impact on consumption, but at SMU, we continue to build the future of our company, fulfilling our strategic commitments and making investments of over CLP 95 billion. We also maintained our return on equity above 10%," said the Chair of the Board of Directors, Pilar Dañobeitía.
In turn, the General Manager of SMU referred to the performance of the first year of the three-year strategic plan 2023-2025, highlighting the significant progress made during the past year in omnichannel growth. "We achieved a total of 14 new openings, including the inauguration of six Montserrat project stores during the fourth quarter. The openings of the year included nine Unimarc stores, two Super10 stores, and two Alvi stores, adding one Maxiahorro format store in Peru. On the other hand, e-commerce, mainly on the Unimarc.cl platform, experienced significant growth during the year, with our online sales penetration reaching 3%, surpassing the 2% of 2022," said Gálvez.
Meanwhile, Arturo Silva, Corporate Manager of Administration and Finance, highlighted the company's solid financial position, stating that "despite challenging macroeconomic conditions, in 2023, we managed to maintain the EBITDA margin above our target level of 9%. Additionally, for the third consecutive year, we achieved an improvement in our credit rating, reaching the AA- category, and between September of last year and this month, we have issued bonds totaling UF 4 million, allowing us to flatten our maturity profile for the coming years and leaving the company in a very comfortable financial position."
The meeting included the election of the board of directors for the 2024-2026 period, which was composed of the following members:
Alejandro Álvarez A.
Pilar Dañobeitía E.
Francisca Saieh G.
Abel Bouchon Silva
Andrés Olivos B.
Fernando del Solar C.
Raúl Sotomayor V.
Alejandro Danus C.
Enrique Gundermann W.